galston community news

Monday Walks and Talks at Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden

The first term of the Monday Walks and Talks at Kuring- gai Wildflower Garden, 420 Mona Vale Road, St Ives commences on March 6th with an Introductory Talk and Walk in Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden led by Alec Fisher.

The KWG is intriguingly interesting both in its history and its diversity of native plants in their natural setting. The introduction gives a good grounding in understanding the naming of plants and how to recognise them. Both previous attendees and newcomers will gain a deeper appreciation of the garden and what it has to offer.

Meet at Caley’s Pavilion at 9-45 am, wear a hat and suitable shoes and bring water. Walk concludes about 12-30 pm. Cost $5 includes notes. There is a discount for Australian Plants Society members. Booking is not needed. Further information is available at