galston community news

Middle Dural Rural Fire Brigade News

In May Middle Dural Brigade assisted Hillside Brigade with a large 150 hectare burn that provided protection to a number or properties and reduced potential fire run into the Glenorie Village area. With the attendance of over 200 fire fighters, this hazard reduction provided a number of Brigades with an opportunity to work together to achieve a great result. This was an experience that I’m sure will be translated to a real fire emergency. The job was made easier by the use of RFS Helicopters undertaking aerial incendiary into the deeper gullies after RFS crews on the ground had established fire breaks by burning at the top, between houses and paddocks and gardens and the bush. Unfortunately now though as a result of heavy rain in June several other hazard reductions planned for the Hills Shire LGA have been postponed until conditions dry out.

Over the last month Middle Dural Brigade has continued to assist residents with pile burns. It should be noted that burning small piles in accordance with the NSW RFS Pile Burn Standards and the Hills Shire Notice of Approval for Pile Burns for Bushfire Fuel Management can be achieved by residents without seeking assistance from the Brigade. If you need help however, or fire-related advice, please ring the Captain of Middle Dural Len (0408 220 705) or Senior Deputy Ken Middleton (0417 203 088).