galston community news


What wonderful rain deluged Middle Dural in October! Most of us received more than 100mL of good soaking rain, which may push back the threat of major bushfires by a month, maybe more. And haven’t we got an amazing crop of weeds already?! However, even with the rain, NSW law states that it’s still illegal under NSW legislation, to burn bush or piles without a permit. Burning building materials at any time of year is illegal. Several illegal piles containing building materials have been reported in the last month in our area. If you are detected, the penalty can be severe, not only in the form of a hefty fine but also your name is recorded on the police fire offenders register.

You may have seen the powerful RFS campaign on most TV channels, in the lead up to peak bush fire season. It asks NSW residents ‘How Fireproof is Your Plan?’, using powerful human stories that contrast the destructive power of fire with the dangers of insufficient planning and preparation. The campaign dramatizes a series of situations where bush fire plans have not reduced risk to people or livestock. This is because the key questions of when they will leave, where they would go and what will they take, were not considered carefully in advance. If you haven’t seen it, we recommend that you take a look (https:\\\213250965551\ posts\10156446200475552\)

It shows that you really have to think through what you and your family will do to keep safe when the next fire danger comes.

Ask your RFS District Office (9654 1244) where to get a copy of the plan, and of course, both our Captain, Len Best (0408 220 705) and Senior Deputy, Ken Middleton (0417 203 088) are happy to talk with you.

J&C Rando_trades