galston community news

“Lynnes Legs”

By Lynne Newey

Lynnes LegsPeebles trail end peebles road, fiddletown, very easy, very pleasant just over 1 hr., 6.26 km. Return.

Drive north on Arcadia Road until you come to Cobah Road on the left. Drive until you reach Nollands Road, turn left, then not far down turn right into Peebles Road. Drive all the way to the end and park just before the trail entrance.

I had a friend with me and we started off bright and early, a lovely sunny Sunday morning very excited about walking a different track neither of us had done before. It was fairly flat and sandy and well graded, very easy walking.

Lynnes LegsI personally prefer walks that are a little more challenging but, hey!, it was Sunday morning, the sun was shining, beautiful bush and trees surrounded us, accompanied by the sounds of birds welcoming our footsteps – what more could I ask for?!

The whip birds were out in force this morning, what an amazing sound they make. Then total quietness just the rustle of the breeze through the trees.

The smell of absolute freshness and clean perfect air filled us as we walked. This trail is great for families with young children because it is not difficult and you have time to discover and appreciate more of what is around you. We saw lots of animal footprints – one very large one we agreed had to be a kangaroo. There are burnt out trunks of huge gum trees and you see how they have grown back taking on different shapes and colours, and, one even had a banksia growing out of the middle of it.

Lynnes LegsAbout half way down the track on the right hand side we suddenly stopped and stood wondering “what on earth?!” It was a pile of bush rocks about a metre and a half high with cement/mortar holding it together in the shape of a Christmas tree. The top and some of the middle had crumbled away and fallen down through weather and age, but, what was it? Who would go to so much trouble? What was it meant to be? Mmmmmm, very interesting!

At 3 kms. at the end of the trail you come to an opening where you can take in the view over the ridges. Here we about turned and started walking back. We could have taken another track but we kept on the Peebles Trail Branch 7 as per the sign and also we wanted to keep it to just around an hour’s walk.

Well, back at the car, feeling very happy with ourselves, great to be alive and ‘ticking’ off another “leg” of our beautiful district. Enjoy!

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