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Looking to put your property on the market in 2022?

The start of a new year gives people an infectious sense of renewal, so if you’re looking to sell, now is a great time.

If you’re keen to list your property up for sale over the coming months, then it’s time to roll up your sleeves and prepare now. Here are our simple tips to help your home present well this summer to attract the most buyer interest and achieve the best results.

Declutter everywhere
The best way to give potential buyers a good sense of space, is to remove all the unnecessary clutter and provide more breathing room.

It’s time to be ruthless! Walk around your home and think about what you can shift or get rid of altogether.

Spruce up the gardens
Get into the garden and create pleasant surroundings to welcome potential buyers.

Perhaps purchase a set of colourful plants and pots, rake up dead leaves or replenish the garden beds with fresh mulch.

If you have an apartment without a garden, consider purchasing some easy-maintenance indoor plants with a pleasant scent and place some pretty florals along the windowsills or verandah.

Undertake minor reports
Completing all those little ‘fix-it’ projects will make a tremendous difference on buyer perception when they’re looking through your home.

That rusty tap, the broken tile, the missing lightbulb, the damaged shower glass. All of those say to your buyers: ‘I’ll need fixing when you buy the home’, and that can really leave a negative impression.

Whereas a property that is well-maintained puts buyers at ease that they’re buying something that has been looked after.

Think about home styling
When people look through your home, they take everything in and decide based on the whole picture. Take the time to research and plan out an aspirational look for each room that inspires people to think about how they would use the space if they were to buy it. Carefully style the furniture, the paintings, and the little trinkets to create a homely atmosphere. Place books on the table, a bowl full of ripe fruit in the kitchen and have a candle burning.

Or, you could consider having your home professionally styled.

I want to help you achieve your real estate goals.

With many years of experience in the industry, I lead the way with superior service, customer care and strong negotiating skills.

I would love to help guide you on your real estate journey and help you achieve success, so if you have any questions, or are looking to sell, please give me a call on 0407 120 483.

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