galston community news

Aussie Pumps…… Saving The Urban Interface

A wet spring and summer may be leading to a complacency amongst urban interface property owners. Professionals know that more fuel, the greater the potential for catastrophic bushfires.

Aussie Pumps suggest that now is a great opportunity for homeowners, farmers and professionals to take positive action to prepare properties for the potential of what could be a very serious late fire season.

“We have seen a huge build up of fuel and know that it only takes 3 days of 30 degree plus temperatures to create a holocaust” said Aussie Pumps Tyson Siecker. “You only have to look at what happened in California recently to see what can happen even in the middle of the North American winter” he said.

Aussie Pumps are reporting strong sales of their very popular Aussie Fire Chief. The “Chief” is regarded as being the best lightweight portable fire pump in the world, producing better performance, quality components and perfectly balanced matched to the pump end to the under drive unit.

The company has produced huge quantities of Bushfire Survival Guides to give away free to homeowners to help them get their properties prepared.

“It is a chance to install sprinklers, clear debris from around buildings, get out the pump and of course practice on ensuring the operator is conversant and trained in the operation and performance of the product” said Siecker.

There is also a free video that shows the comparison of the Aussie Fire Chief compared to others! For further information contact or call 02 8865 3500 for your nearest distributor.