galston community news

Local Government Elections- Rural Round Up

Contributed by Councilor Warren Waddell

Sadly, this term of Council is approaching its end. Councillors have moved into caretaker mode as we await the next Local Government Elections in September. It has been a privilege to serve the community and I thank everyone for their support.

Although there will be no significant decision making for the time being, it is important that we continue to highlight the needs of the rural area on items that have an ongoing negative impact on our quality of life.

One of the most frustrating issues routinely brought to my attention has been the State Government’s failure to complete New Line Road. Local Government Elections

The many merge points along this road cause unnecessary delays for commuters attempting to leave and to return to our area. The loss of productivity and the impact on our quality of life has reached a critical level.

As a State road, it has been difficult for Council to address the many issues that cause this morning and afternoon gridlock. However, with the support of our State and Federal Members, this long overdue work is back on the radar. Transport for NSW is calling on the community to provide feedback on what improvements are required along this critical stretch of infrastructure.

The community can provide feedback online at newlineroad or by phone on 1800 314 601 during business hours. It is also possible to provide feedback via email at newlineroad@ or by mail to: NEW LNE ROAD PROJECT, P O Box 973, Parramatta. NSW 2124.

All submissions will be accepted up until Wednesday 18th August 2021. Local Government Elections

I am happy to be contacted on these and any other issues. You may reach me on phone 0499004861 or email [email protected]