galston community news

Let’s stay secure…

Whether we are travelling or just staying at home security is something that we are always thinking about. Whether it be security of ourselves, our friends or our personal information, there are Apps available to assist.

One of the biggest concerns for many of us is losing or having our iPhone, iPad or computer stolen. If, or when, this happens Apple Find my Phone is one of the best ways to help locate the device. If you have Find my Phone turned on you can then either find your device from another iOS device or on a computer by going to You can then either find your device or take action to ‘Erase iPhone’.

The Find My Friends app is a useful way of keeping track of loved ones who may have a tendency to wander. It is also useful if you are travelling with a group of friends and you don’t want to lose each other. You can share your location for an hour, a day or indefinitely. Although some people may possibly find this App intrusive, it does have its benefits and you can choose whether you want to share your location or not.

To help keep your passwords safe, and be able to remember them, there are Apps available that you can download and which will synchronise across all your devices. One of the more popular of these Apps is 1Password. You can save all your passwords in the App and only have to remember one password. You can also use your Touch I.D. as a way to access the App. This makes it very convenient but there is a cost involved.

Androids have their own versions of being able to find a phone or friend. 1Password is also available for both Android and Apple devices and computers.

If you are concerned about your device being secure why don’t you book a One on One session so we can look at the best way of ensuring your information is safe.

To organise a One on One session please call Debbie on Mob: 0418296217.