As spring will come to a close at the end of the month, it is very important to get nutrients into your existing gardens.
With the use of soil conditioner, cow manure and mushroom compost added to these gardens your plants will love the boost as we enter a hot summer.
Premium garden soil mix containing all these things is also ideal to add to these areas and will give vital energy to new or existing greenery. It is also crucial to contain the moisture in the soil as much as possible with the coming heat, so mulching your gardens will be a necessity to keep healthy plantlife.
For new gardens the Shapescaper steel edging is fantasic to retain the soil and keep wandering grass out. It can be sculpted to whatever shape you desire in a vast range of heights.
Langlands Landscape Supplies 0416 175 466 – 474 Galston Rd, Dural NSW 2158
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