galston community news

Landmark Development Must Be Family Friendly

A proposed development touted as potentially producing the tallest buildings in the Hills must comply with Council’s development controls, for apartments said Hills Shire Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne.

Marketed as The Esplanade Norwest, the potential development has been heavily publicised by developers Capital Corporation and owners Hillsong Church, despite the fact that Council is yet to receive a development application outlining exactly what is proposed.

Mayor Byrne said that although Council approved a planning proposal to change the zoning of the site, a DA is yet to be seen.

“This proposal has the potential to be a landmark development in Norwest. Given how close it is to the future Norwest Metro station site as well as being in the heart of the Business Park, the opportunity is there to create a unique living environment for thousands of future residents,” Mayor Byrne said.

“However, for Council to look on this development favourably, we want to see a diverse range of sizes including many that are suitable for families.”

In 2014, Council adopted a new set of controls for apartment sizes that were considerably bigger and more diverse than those set out in the NSW Government’s State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP).

Mayor Byrne has long argued that the minimum apartment sizes set out in the SEPP are a one-size-fits-all solution that does not encourage the residential dwellings that are truly needed in The Hills.

“Our population forecasts show that we will continue to be a family Shire for generations to come, so I want to see developments that make apartment living an attractive alternative to what we’ve long considered the great Australian dream.”

“For our community to accept thousands of apartments rather than houses as the way of the future, they need to be the type of apartments our community would want to live in.”