galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association


When speaking with several local businesses, the story is consistent. While there is a country wide shortage of labour, the problem seems to be exacerbated in Glenorie. Our businesses generally struggle to get staff.

The ABC reports that for Australia’s businesses, “labour shortage is the top issue – more pressing than energy prices, supply chains or a rise in the minimum wage”. There are more than 423,000 job vacancies, on recent data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. That’s a record high.

In Glenorie, many workers travel from other locations to work in our local businesses, and some businesses simply struggle to attract workers. Could part of the solution to the worker shortage be more availability and better affordability in local housing?

A quick glance at (21 Jun 2022) for places to rent in Glenorie showed exactly three rental listings all at $775 – $2,200 per week. I regularly see requests on social media for homes to rent in Glenorie. There is clearly a rental shortage in Glenorie and has been for many years.

There is also a shortage of workers for local businesses. Granny flats and studios (Secondary Dwellings) appear to be renting for circa $400 – $550 per week in the wider district.

The Hills Shire Council allows Secondary Dwellings with a total floor area of the dwelling, excluding any area used for parking, must not exceed whichever of the following is the greater: (i) 110 square metres, (ii) 20% of the total floor area of the principal dwelling”.

At 110 sqm, the dwelling is quite generous and can house a small family. Hornsby Shire has 20% and 60sqm allowances.

For many of our local rural properties a Secondary Dwelling can be located privately and empathetically with the surrounds with little impact on the hosts, due to our generous lot sizes.

At GPA, we love sensible progress. Could a Secondary Dwelling be a win, win, win, win?

  • A Win for a family, individual or couple in need of more affordable accommodation.
  • A Win for you the property owner, a secondary income, and an increase in asset value.
  • A Win for local business with a greater ability to attract local workers.
  • A Win for our community as it is strengthened through a more diverse community and workforce.

Sensible progress.

The GPA has appointed local Development Manager Alex Torville as head of the Planning Committee. Alex has a strong history of working across the whole-of-lifecycle of property and is well positioned to take on this important role on behalf of the community.

The GPA intends on having further community consultation sessions and workshops to revise and define guiding principles for the future of development in Glenorie. You can be part of the effort by joining the GPA at https://www.

James Shore, long standing local and owner of the site of the future Service Station in Glenorie kindly explained his DA and took questions from the GPA members at the last meeting at Glenorie RSL. Thank you James. The GPA supports the development of site for the following reasons:


  • Ability to bring about additional local employment opportunities.
  • Increased supply of a new asset class to the area.
  • Promotion of small business opportunities to see Glenorie as a place to set-up and invest in.
  • Increased supply of small to medium leasing opportunities of key industrial space previously not available in the area.


  • Greater convenience and competition for the local community – nearest service station is 10km away.
  • Introduce opportunities within the area for a variety of alternative services as industrial units attract a different business operation.

The GPA has requested that consideration is made to facade treatments, building materials and colours being empathetic with our rural character.

It has also been noted by members that there may need to be consideration of a paved foot path on the opposite side of Whites Road to improve safety for school children who walk Whites Rd to the bus stop on Old Northern Rd. This will be important with increased traffic flows onto Whites Rd.

Glenorie’s annual Bush Dance returns in 2022. Blast away the winter chill with some genuine hoe- down, heel and toe fun. Fun for the whole family, held in the historic Glenorie Memorial Hall. This long-standing event has been a “must attend” for any decent Aussie or wannabe Aussie who wants to keep the tradition of bush dancing alive.

It doesn’t matter if you have never danced before, all of the dances are called or instructed and you will be welcomed regardless of your experience… we’re all novices.

The famous Strike A Light band provide traditional bush music and all the favourite dances are run: Heel and Toe, Strip the Willow, Waves of Bondi etc. What a great way to introduce your kids to a cultural tradition, right here in Glenorie.

Book via the QR Code or call Mark Holt on 0418 298 121. 6PM Saturday 23rd July.

Glenorie Memorial Hall. Booking essential.

In 2021, the GPA ran a community forum online regarding the improvement of New Line Rd attended by the MP Robyn Preston, NSW Treasurer Matt Kean and Federal MP Julian Lesser.

It is fantastic to see $70M in funding for the Pyes Creek Bridge section of New Line Rd in the state budget. It is long overdue, and Matt Kean has been true to his word as he committed to funding the project in the meeting we held.

This is an overdue win for our community and the GPA thanks Julian, Matt and all the MPs who are bringing this project to fruition. We look forward to the final result.

You can attend the next GPA meeting 7:15pm 14 July 2022 at Glenorie RSL. You can become a member online:

LABOUR SHORTAGE Glenorie Progress Association

Northside washer service