galston community news

KU Galston Preschool

This month we celebrated Mother’s Day with a special concert for all of our Mums & Grandmas which was followed by an afternoon tea of cake and Anzac biscuits lovingly prepared by the children.

The Galston RFS visited recently to teach us about fire safety and what to do in an emergency. We all had a good look around the fire engine and were able to use the fire hose to put out a mock fire. We would like to thank Simon and his team for giving up their time to visit our preschool. Now back at preschool we are busy learning our addresses incase of an emergency and we know what to do if there is smoke in the house or if our clothes are on fire.

Over the next 2 weeks we have the Hatch n Grow program where we get the amazing opportunity of watching 10 eggs hatch into ducklings and grow. We have had 2 ducklings hatch so far and are like expectant parents waiting for the other eggs to hatch.

On Saturday 26th May we are holding a KU Galston Preschool Bake Sale out the front of the Galston Bendigo Bank. Please come down and say hello and support our preschool by buying a baked good or sweet for morning tea, we will be there from 8am until 11am. Thank you for your support.

If you would like more information or a tour of our preschool please contact our director Rebecca on 96532252 or email [email protected] for further information.