galston community news

Kristina Taylor: Australian Scout Award

The 1st Dural Scout Group are excited to have yet another youth member achieve their Australian Scout Award. This is the highest award in the Scout Section.

Kristina Taylor has demonstrated leadership and learning across outdoor activities such as bushcraft, camping and bushwalking with her local Scout Group and at District and Regional events.

Kristina has really enjoyed learning new skills at Scouts, whether it be running Clean Up Australia Day events, completing a first aid course, through to learning canoeing skills and even becoming a Junior member with the Galston Rural Fire Service.

She and loves outdoor challenges and led a three day bushwalk in Marramarra National Park as part of her Adventurous Journey challenge.

In ‘planning, doing and reviewing’ these activities, Kristina has demonstrated significant personal growth, an interest in trying new things, and has been ‘hands- on’ in tackling new challenges.

The most significant challenge that Kristina set herself, was in taking on the role as Assistant Trustee of the Scout Hall as part of a special project. This involved organising working bees at the Scout Hall through to using power tools to make repairs around the hall.

She learnt about building inspections, assisted with getting quotes for hall upgrades and developed a good understanding of the hall management, compliance, and reporting requirements – highly valuable life skills.

Scouting is all about education for life. It’s a dynamic, challenging, and adventurous program that equips young people with life skills, such as teamwork and leadership, and gives them the tools to develop into strong, resilient adults and valuable members of the community.

Dural Scout Group has vacancies for Girls and Boys from 5 to 25 years. Joeys (5yo), Cubs (8yo), Scouts (12yo) and Venturers (16yo).

Please contact Phirooza: 0411 731 976 or [email protected] or Simon: [email protected]

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