galston community news

Kindergarten Thrive at Arcadia Public School

The kindergarten students at Arcadia Public School are full steam ahead with their learning and there’s no holding them back! They thoroughly enjoy challenging themselves and can articulate their ideas with confidence and creativity. Kindergarten have been working with a peer buddy in maths groups whilst discussing concepts, taking turns, sharing ideas and comparing results. They use conference time during literacy to read with their peer group and teacher and their story writing is amazing. Kindergarten are always working hard at achieving their classroom goals. When presenting their speaking and listening, they speak clearly and confidently, use eye contact with an expressive voice and add detailed information to keep their ideas engaging for their audience. Congratulations kindergarten – we are so proud of your achievements this year.

Starting Big School dates for Kindergarten 2018 are; Wednesday 18 October, Thursday 26 October and Friday 3 November – All sessions are 2.15 – 3.15pm. Come along and see why Arcadia Public School is the place to be!

Contact the school office on 9653 1207 or visit to find out more about our wonderful school where great things happen every day.