galston community news

International Frank Ifield Spur Award

The presentation of this years “Spur” Award was held at Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL club on March 14, in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Galston and Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL.

The main artists at the Bob Howe organised Canterbury Country night were previous winners of the International Frank Ifield Spur Award. These were the wonderful Donna Boyd, 2003 winner, Nikki Gillis, 2009 winner, John Stephan, 2011 winner, a young man of International standing with talent to burn.

Frank has an exceptional eye for talent and his 21 plus winners have been excellent artists with many performing overseas and topping European charts. Frank has a passion for promoting talented performers.

The 2019 winner is no exception. A local, if you call Berowra local, with ever increasing talent, Steve Passfield. Steve has performed both locally and at Tamworth and is a Golden Guitar winner.

Canterbury Country is on 2nd Thursday of each month.