Galston Village Pharmacy


Matt Kean
Matt Kean

I know the news has been focussed on COVID-19 pretty much all the time, however, work is still being done on our roads. I have some good news for those who travel on Galston and Mid Dural Road. Starting in May you will see some improvements under the NSW Safer Roads program at the roundabout between Galston and Mid Dural Roads. Transport for NSW will be installing a new pedestrian refuge island as well as footpaths near the roundabout.

These improvements are about increasing the visibility of cyclists and pedestrian along with improving safety for all road users.

In order to minimise the impact for residents the work will be carried out on 15 night shifts between Sunday May 24th and Friday June 12th. Work will be carried out 8pm-5am Sunday through to Friday, which weather permitting should ensure the work is done as quickly as possible with minimal impact on the local community.

I know this work will be welcome improvements for those who travel through this intersection regularly.

If you have any question please contact my office on 9476 3411.

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