galston community news

Hornsby Police News

The following relate to local issues in the Kuring gai Local Area Command.

Incident: Motor cycle crash
Time/Date: About 2.50pm Friday 8th
Place: Pacific Highway Cowan
Cycle: Triumph
Rider: 37 year old male

Details: The cyclist has started a ride southbound along the Pacific Highway at Cowan, at this stage it appears a bush turkey has run across the path of the rider possibly hitting the cyclist causing him to fall and crash. A friend driving a car found the rider on the ground with feathers everywhere and a dead bush turkey next to the rider. The rider at this stage started to vomit blood due to injuries and was taken to hospital for treatment. There are no actual witnesses to the crash and police will speak to the rider when he is able to give a version.

Incident: Break, enter and Steal
Time/Date: During Sunday evening
Place: Clydesdale Place, Pymble

Details: 2 storage cages in a unit complex were broken into; the cages in an underground car park had pad locks cut open. 2 push bikes were taken from one, with wine, fishing gear and tools taken from the other. During the same time frame a car was broken into but nothing appears to have been taken.

Incident: Steal from motor vehicle.
Time/Date: Between 9am and 12pm Tuesday 5th
Place: Michigan Avenue, Asquith

Details: A Lexus SUV parked in the driveway of a home had property taken; the Lexus was not locked at the time and had an Ipad, shoes and sun glasses stolen.

Incident: Shop stealing
Time/Date: About 3.30pm Saturday 9th
Place: Store within Westfield, Hornsby

Details: 2 females described as Indian in appearance have entered a store within Westfield. One of the females has asked for assistance from the staff member at the rear of the shop. The second female has taken a flying pan from a display shelf and left the store.

The first female has then left the store. Security and police were called, CCTV footage is being reviewed.

Break, enter & steal offences linked to fraud.

Over the past few months Kuring-gai LAC has seen an increase in the number of fraud cases linked to scammers. It appears retirement villages have been targeted with North Turramurra being the most reported area although several areas north of the harbour have been hit.

It seems a person possibly a Caucasian male 30 to 40 years old has broken into units sometimes while the victim is home taking credit and debit cards from purses and wallets. The male then rings the victim claiming to be from the bank reporting that suspicious transactions have occurred. The male then asks the victim to confirm their details including their PIN to verify ID. If the PIN is given out the debit account is then fleeced or the credit card is hit hard.

Please put the warning out to anyone you know in some sort of care facility or village.

Banks will never ring and ask you to confirm your details and will never ask for your PIN. If you do receive a call like this, hang up and ring the bank yourself on the number you know, then cancel those cards and have new one cards reissued.

If anyone is seen on your property or in your home, ring 000 immediately.

Police are appealing to witnesses who may have information relating to the above incident to contact Hornsby police on 9476 9799, or phone Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 to report any information relating to the matter anonymously.