galston community news

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai SupportS Rural Fire Brigade

The Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Support Rural Fire Brigade was established in 2008 and operates from its purpose-built Station in the grounds of the Hornsby Kuring- gai RFS District Fire Control Centre at 1049 Pacific Highway Cowan. The Support Brigade assists front-line RFS Brigades and the District with transport and logistics and operates the fire spotting towers at Cowan and Galston. During the recent local storm recovery work Support Members delivered equipment and materials and undertook logistical support roles.

On Saturday, 16 March 2019 the Support Brigade received into service ‘Support 17 Charlie’ being a purpose-built Isuzu Category 17 Fire Services Support Vehicle. ‘Support 17 Charlie’ can carry 5 crew members in addition to the Driver and has been fitted with a heavy-duty tray and tail lift that enables the delivery of the larger and bulkier goods used by the RFS.

In presenting the keys Hornsby Ku-ring-gai District Manager Superintendent Mark Sugden confirmed ‘The Support Brigade is going from strength to strength with it enthusiastic and capable team of volunteers and the addition of the vehicle will greatly increase its capabilities’. In his acceptance of the vehicle Support Captain Ben De Leon proudly announced ‘Support 17 Charlie is a very welcome fleet addition that vastly increases the capability and capacity of the Support Brigade to more effectively deliver our service to the local community, the RFS, the District and the front-line bush firefighting Brigades and I foresee many years of valuable service’.