galston community news

2022 Relay Team Off to State!

Our Small School Relay Team shaved a massive 16 seconds of their time to win their race at the Sydney North Swimming Carnival at Homebush.

The team of Lucas, Ava, Rebecca, and Emilia will be representing Hillside at the NSW PSSA State Carnival in early April. A wonderful achievement, and the school community is extremely proud of the team.

During Term 1, all students have been developing their basketball skills with weekly basketball lessons through the Sporting Schools program. It has been encouraging to see everyone’s ball-handling skills improve over the term. Besides honing their catching and throwing skills, they have strengthened their teamwork skills.

With the Small Schools Cross Country being held early next term, all our students have started training at school now the grass has dried out. We join our friends at Middle Dural School for the day, finishing with a sausage sizzle and presentation of ribbons to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place getters.

Every week all students participate in a fitness session where they learn and practise gross motor skills culminating in small group games. The Kindergarten to Year 2 students have been learning underarm throws, skipping, catching, and balancing.

The older primary students have been strengthening their large ball skills. This term, students have been learning to stay healthy through weekly health lessons. From looking at healthy eating, teeth cleaning, friendships, safety in the home and road safety, students have enjoyed various activities and lessons.

During Term 2, all students will be participating in the Premier’s 10-week sporting challenge where students record their physical activities for a 10-week period. Students can achieve Diamond, Gold, Silver or Bronze Awards depending on how active they are during the challenge.

It is a fantastic opportunity to take the dog for a walk, play a team sport, ride their bike, dance, swim, go for a bushwalk, or walk around their backyard.

Once again, Hillside has entered the NSWPSSA Touch Football Knockout competition, starting during Term 2. Hopefully, this year the competition will proceed through to the finals at the end of Term 3. All students in Years 3 to 6 are eligible to be in the team, and training will start later this term.

Hillside has always had a strong commitment to sport and physical activity for all its students. Children need to move and be active.

We have started taking enrolments for kindergarten 2023. If you are interested in finding out more about our wonderful school, please contact the school office on 02 9652 1459.

Small Schools are Great Schools!

Relay Team