galston community news

What Helps Students to Excel?

By Craig Hingston
How can students stay on top of their dramatically increased workload and prepare for the HSC exams? How do they manage their wellbeing? Helps Students

We asked our Pacific Hills Christian School Year 11 Augustine Math’s cohort who sat the Mathematics Advanced and Extension 1 HSC courses in 2021.

“I think that hard work and perseverance is a vital key to growing. I always tell myself to try my best,” said Nicole Liu. Yi Xin Ong agreed, “I had to learn to persevere even though the last thing I wanted to do was study.”

Family supported Caitlyn Vos: “From my Dad sitting down with me at all hours of the night to explain maths questions to my Mum being always willing to motivate me.”

Jasper King was grateful for the teachers, “They helped with lots of study tips especially how to constantly prepare throughout the year, as well as how to find valuable resources.”

Community helped Morgan Swaak, “Everyone felt really close and connected, encouraging one another to do our best.”

Joshua Baker echoed this comment, “Each one of us had at least one other that we could lean on and ask for help with study or mental health when things got stressful”, along with Janelle Yau, “My friends have been keeping me accountable and have stopped me from giving up. I think one of the most important things to succeed is to surround yourself with people who can motivate you to keep going.”

Richard Tu relied on good time management, “I made sure that there was no distraction while I was studying.” David Kim echoed this, “You need to sacrifice something to get a good HSC result no matter how naturally smart you are.” Helps Students Helps Students Helps Students Helps Students

Meanwhile, Eliza Leung was inspired by problem-solving, “I enjoy the challenge of understanding and applying challenging questions and concepts.”

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