galston community news

Hillside Public School Open Day – Le Café

At Hillside, all students are able to reach their full potential. A wonderful opportunity to observe the rich variety of experiences available to the students, will be at our Open Day on Tuesday 7 August at 1:30pm. Our talented students, from Kindergarten to Year 6 will entertain the guests with a humorous French play, followed by the serving of petit fours for afternoon tea in Le Café. All students actively participate in weekly French lessons as part of the whole school program. Please contact the school office on 9652 1459 for more details.

Term 3 will see a focus on the further strengthening of students’ literacy through a number of exciting programs. Following the completion of an exciting novel study, the whole school will be attending the stage performance of George’s Marvellous Medicine at Glen Street Theatre. We will be combining with Annangrove Public School for a whole day of writing and drawing workshops with the author Dr Cameron Stelzer. Another exciting opportunity for our students.

Congratulations to all our students on their outstanding sportsmanship and results in the Small Schools Athletics Carnival at the end of last term. Many of our students will be representing the school at the Beecroft Zone Carnivals this term. Our Touch Football Team will be playing their second round of the Knockout Competition against Yanderra Public School in mid-August. All students benefitted from the weekly coaching sessions, with the Touch Football Associations, provided through the Sporting Schools Grant.

Hillside students take great pride in their school and it was wonderful to see every student roll up their sleeves and help improve the playground on the last day of Term 2. From painting old tractor tyres to make into a dinosaur garden, cleaning out the cubby house, washing all the play equipment, sorting out the sandpit toys, tidying the sports shed or painting the lattice work a bright new colour, every student and member of staff pitched in to make a difference. The older students guided and worked side by side with the younger students. Another advantage of a small school is the building of these cross grade relationships.

If you would like to know more about our outstanding school, please contact the school office on 9652 1459. Every day is open day at Hillside, so please come and visit our awesome school.