galston community news

Hillside Public School

Term 2 continues, filled with many learning opportunities for the children at Hillside.

Years 3 to 6 enjoy their STEM challenges on Fridays. Their latest challenge was to make and draw pentominoes. Once constructed from 1cm cubes the students had to join the 12 pentominoes together to make a rectangle. Congratulations again to Arabella for her selection in the Beecroft/Ryde Zone Girls Touch Football team. We wish her and the other 11 girls all the best when they play at the next Gala Day.

This month’s recipients of the Aussie of the Month was Izak and the Kindness Award was Jack. Well Done to both boys – very well deserved.

The children participated in Waste Free Lunch Day last Tuesday – Hillside’s bins were empty of any waste! Many children continue to bring in waste free lunch boxes which is a fantastic help to our environment.

Tennis on Fridays is helping the children learn and improve their tennis skills.

Things we enjoyed in June:

• Breakfast on 22nd June. Parents and friends enjoyed a delicious breakfast cooked by the teachers.

• On Monday 26th June Hillside joined with Middle Dural and visited Muogamaara Nature Reserve at Cowan for a Day Camp – We did tent pitching, damper making, bush walking and learnt about bush foods!

• Athletics Carnival took place at Annangrove Oval on Wednesday 28th June with Annagrove and Middle Dural.

If you are looking for a small school where each student’s needs are catered for in a positive learning environment, please come and visit Hillside or phone the office on 96521459.