galston community news

Hillside Public School

It has been a very busy start to Term 2 with all children participating in many activities.

Hillside travelled to Middle Dural Public School to join them and Annangrove for the Annual Cross Country. Every child participated in the races, each trying their very best. Congratulations to Harry M, Arabella, Joshua, Sam, Madi, Aaleyah, Antonia and Izak. We look forward to hearing of your results in next week’s Zone Cross Country. Congratulations too and a very big Thank You to Middle Dural for hosting such a wonderful day.

Congratulations too, for this month’s Aussie of the Month Award Joshua and the Kindness Award winner, Harrison B. Both worthy recipients of these awards. Arabella is to be congratulated for being selected as a member of the Beecroft Zone Girls Touch Football Team.

Children are enjoying their lessons with Cool Kids Music where musical talents are being discovered and nurtured. Hillside might just have the next The Voice.

Our Mother’s Day Afternoon was a great success. Our lovely mums and grandmas came to Hillside for an afternoon Zumba, Yoga and portrait drawing, culminating in a Devonshire Tea served by the children. Happy Mother’s Day!

Through the 7 Steps of Writing program, children are discovering how to write fantastic narratives. Years 3-6 have already discovered the secret to a Sizzling Start and are immersed now in how to Tighten the Tension in their writing. Fantastic writing all of you!

Children have just completed a 5 week Aerobics program run by Build a Body. The trainers certainly had the children moving and grooving on a fantastic circuit.

If you are looking for a small school where each student’s needs are catered for in a positive learning environment, please come and visit Hillside or phone the office on 9652 1459.