galston community news

Hillside Public School

It seems impossible that half the term has already flown by!

The students at Hillside have been very busy this term with many things happening.

Kindergarten have settled into big school and are busy learning their sounds, numbers and Magic Words– very clever!

All the children were great sports at the combined Small School Swimming Carnival. Hillside competed alongside Middle Dural and Annangrove and Hillside were proud to send Arabella, Lucas, Blake, Sienna and Sam to the zone. There, they swam the very best and now Arabella, Blake, Lucas and Josh are heading to Area to compete in the Small School Relay. We wish them the very best of luck.

Years 5 and 6 attended the National Young Leaders Day at the Convention Centre in Sydney on Friday 3rd March. They listened to an inspirational group of young people who encouraged the students to aim high and follow their dreams. We are looking forward to Environmentors visiting our school tomorrow.

If you are looking for a small school where each and every student’s needs are catered for in a positive learning environment, please come and visit Hillside or phone the office on 96521459.