galston community news


Hills-Hornsby Rural Koala Project is a network which seeks to work with the community to encourage the health, protection and population increase of Koalas in the Hills and Hornsby areas.

Prior to the bush fires of 2002, koalas were present in our area, particularly so in Canoelands, Wisemans Ferry and Maroota. Further back in the past they were also in Glenorie, Arcadia, Middle Dural and throughout Hornsby Shire.

When the 2002 fires came through Glenorie and surrounds, they devastated the habitat and koalas were not reported in our area for many years.

Since 2015 Glenorie Environment Centre has been conducting local koala searches and encouraging locals to report any signs or sightings of koalas. In the last two years, residents have reported a handful of sightings, supported by photographic and sound recording evidence.

In response, Hills-Hornsby Rural Koala Project was established. This brought together a large number of community organisations as well as individual community members, researchers from Western Sydney University and our local Sydney Wildlife carer. Currently a project by Western Sydney University is working on vegetation mapping in our area to identify potential koala hot spots.

We share the goal of monitoring and protecting our koalas and their habitat, so that their numbers may increase. Part of this plan is to further engage the community to help in reducing some of the major risks’ koalas face- road accidents, dog attacks and habitat loss. Bush fire remains a major threat which is also high on our agenda.

We seek to provide information and engage with community members via social media and community events. We ask for the community’s assistance in monitoring the population and ensuring their protection.

To follow our work and see updates about upcoming events please follow our Facebook page at ‘Hills – Hornsby Rural Koala Project’. Alternatively, for more information text or phone Lilly Schwartz on 0424 844 740.

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