galston community news

Hidden in the Hills: A Bird in the Bush

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″ offset=”vc_col-lg-1/5 vc_col-md-1/5 vc_col-xs-1/5″][us_image image=”81787″ size=”thumbnail” align=”left” style=”circle” has_ratio=”1″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/12″ offset=”vc_col-lg-4/5 vc_col-md-4/5 vc_col-xs-4/5″][vc_column_text]By Lachlan Turner[/vc_column_text][us_post_date][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It could be said that bushland would not be the same if there weren’t any birds around. When walking through bushland reserves it is possible to encounter many birds as they search for food either on the ground, through the undergrowth or in the treetops.

Larger birds, because they are more easily seen appear to be fairly common. However, it can be the smaller birds which tend to captivate a bird watching enthusiast.

Pacific (Crested) Bazza

It is a very fortunate occurrence to come across a bird in the process of nest building. It can even be more interesting to observe a parent bird supplying food to its demanding juvenile.

To successfully observe most birdlife in bushland forests it is important to remember that humans are intruders in their environment. Most small birds will keep their distance as you walk along a bush track.

If you are specifically in the bush to observe birds it is advisable to wear bush coloured clothing which makes you less noticeable. Remember to move slowly talking softly to anyone with you. Don’t make sudden movements like pointing at arms length to where you have just spotted a bird.

If you have a camera with you, avoid moving it suddenly to eye level as birds have an amazingly quick reflex to sudden movement. For best results when capturing images of small birds in particular, a telephoto or zoom lens is almost essential.

Crimson Rosella feeding Juvenile

Birds naturally are most active searching for food in the early parts of the day. A greater variety of birds can be observed in the vicinity of water courses where there may be thicker understorey growth for them to safely move around.

This year the “Aussie Backyard Bird Count” will be held during Bird Week from Monday October 17 – Sunday October 23.

Lachlan will present a “Do You Know That Bird” Workshop on Saturday October 22 at 10.00am The Community Environment Centre in Currie Avenue, Annangrove. The workshop is free, but bookings are essential through Eventbrite at the Hills Shire Council website[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]