galston community news

Mammoth Morning Tea
Another successful annual Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea held at the Galston Village Pharmacy on the 22nd May 2019, it was a fun morning with lots of great food and games In total we raised $2297.35. I want to extend a big thank you to all the volunteers who helped sell raffle tickets, made cups of tea and coffee and all who baked goodies for the day, also a big thank you to all the local businesses, club and nurseries who donated vouchers and prizes for the day.

Much appreciated to our major sponsors for our major raffle The Bendigo Bank Galston, The Galston Club and Hills District farm Equipment, also a special mention to Scissor and Comb and the Arcadian Quilters who held their own morning tea’s and contributed their funds to the day. We could not put this worthwhile event on without all our community support.

Thank you

Kerrie Mead | Retail manager
Galston Village Pharmacy

Annual Alpaca Open Day
The annual Open Day at Gunnamatta Stud Alpacas in Galston proved again to be a great success. Thanks largely to the fine weather and curiosity, the public came in droves.

We opened our gates at 10am and the first visitors arrived five minutes later. This was the scene throughout the day, with our last visitors leaving us at a little after 4pm. With such a constant stream it was difficult to keep an accurate account of the numbers of visitors, but over one hundred groups would not be out of the question. We always try to ask visitors where they found out about our Open Day and this year almost all mentioned the articles and advertisements that appeared in the local magazines.

With our friend Jackie doing spinning demonstrations, a display showing the process from raw wool to finished product, lots of animals and information and the option to “walk an alpaca”, there was something for everyone – but without doubt the highlight of the day were the two 3-day old babies. contributed owner Sue Maynard.

My Thanks – I’m sad to say I’m leaving my job with the community news.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all those who have contributed to these pages over the past couple of years, while my hope is that Heartbeats will continue it will be doing so without the tales of my life. I will be moving on to find new adventures and stories. My light needs rekindling and I truly look forward to seeing what life has instal for me next.

I would sincerely like to thank Christine Stockman for her encouragement, enthusiasm and contributions. Christine’s support of the Heartbeats pages has been most welcomed and appreciated.

Mostly I would like to thank all the readers of Heartbeats. I know I have possibly over shared at times but you have had a little snap shot into my life over the past 2 years, the birth of my grandchildren, the shenanigans of my children, life’s little hiccups along with my personal projects and reflections. I hope I bought a little sunshine to your life. Thank you all again….onward and upward and may everyone continue to be inspired by the little things.

This month’s slice of magic
When I first started Heartbeats I was hoping to find little slices of wonder and tales of surprising delight. This month has revealed for me something quite unexpected and remarkable, my own slice of magic.

I attended Willoughby Girls High and it is frightening to think that it was over 40 years ago. It is interesting to reflect on those days and to be able to review, with clarity details of teachers, friends, rooms, my education, the food presented in the canteen and even conversations. I have always found it curious that schools hold reunions but I guess it is because a group of individuals share experiences and these experiences can determine your course in life and bond you together like no other group. Anyway, I had a best friend in high school who moved out of area and consequently out of my life. It was really tricky in those times to be able to continue friendships once distance became a reality. Recently I was thinking about my friend and was wondering about how life had treated her so I looked her up on Facebook. Oh, there she was and fortunately she had not changed her surname (unlike me who has a trail of former names). She didn’t seem to be an active member but I messaged her anyway. Several days later she replied saying that she was travelling and would be returning soon and we should meet. After a stream of messaging back and forth I asked where she lived. Please remember that over 40 years have passed and as you would expect we have both moved away from Lower North Shore where we spent our teenage years……She now lives 3.4 km form me. Crazy….!!! When she returns home I am sure that we will not lose each other again.

This picture is of me at school, I have included it mainly for her benefit so that when she receives her copy of The Galston News she will be transported back to another time and place.

Our Community Does Care
Last month I wrote of the Galston Rd /Mid Dural Rd Roundabout and in response to that I have had a few say to me that they recall how it looked and/or they remember waving to or saying “Hi” to those working on the site. Actually my father was one of those workers in Hi-Vis clothes. He not only enjoyed the camaraderie of gardening with others but also the friendliness of “passers by”.

Just the other day I spoke to a lady who said that when the Agapanthus finished flowering last season ( and also the year before ), she had cut off all the dead flowers. I was thrilled to hear this.

So why do I care for this Roundabout ? Well, it’s not only because my Father did, or that I live in Galston, but because it is in a prominent location when entering Galston. I also believe the other two Galston Round abouts are in important feature positions and set a tone when entering and moving through our enchanting village. By the way, in years past the one near Arcadia Rd was also tended by two Galston Garden Club members. Unfortunately the one near the entry to Galston Gorge looks very sad and unloved at present.

Wouldn’t it be lovely to have all of these 3 roundabouts looking better but it is encouraging to hear stories of care taken in one’s own community! by Christine Stockman

Doll Found
This hazel-eyed beauty was found browsing in our book corner some time between Friday 14/6 and Saturday 15/6. We’ve given her a cosy spot by our aromatic diffuser, and a hot cup of cocoa (which she politely declined) to get through this cold weekend alone.

If this is yours, please drop by during business hours to claim her!
All Smiles Dentist at Glenorie Mall 9477 1191

Squeaky Tales
Spied in the window of The Galston Village Pharmacy and reads;


We are making an environmental comedy and are looking for someone to train 5 mice for movie stardom. They need to be handled daily. Cage, food etc paid for and you get to keep the mice after filming.

If you have the right skill set to achieve this task then check out the notice ….good luck to the one who takes on this mission as we will expect great things from you.

Mr. Mend