galston community news

Kids giving hearts
From a fantastic break in Coonabarrabran, our children saw the devastation of the drought.

Our 12 year old son, Sam brought this issue up with his Principal Mr Jarvis, he presented a Power Point presentation and raised $1900 through our lovely school, Galston Public school.

We are so proud of him for using his compassion and achieving such a fantastic result.

We donated to ‘Water 4 West’ and ‘Drought Angels’.

A huge thank you to the families at Galston Public School for their generosity.

Our 6 year old, Lucy noticed many empty paddocks and donated $100 of her own money to ‘Buy a Bale’.

Well done kids

Belinda & Matthew Crofts

Fagan Park… did you know
Hornsby Shire residents can get annual parking permits for Fagan Park. For frequent uses of Fagan Park you can purchase an annual entry fee for $40. This is could be helpful for all those parents of young children who find it convenient to park within the grounds.

Praise for Fagan Park
It is not usual to give Hornsby Shire Council a bouquet but on this occasion it is well deserved.

Council is to be congratulated on wonderful job it has done in constructing a new children’s playground in the Carrs Bush area of the Park.

This new playground features new interactive areas for children to play in, new softfall treatment, brilliant new swings (I’ve tried them and they are adult safe) and fantastic totem poles exquisitely carved depicting local flora and fauna as well as other activities designed especially for children.

But why, oh why designers and planners is the hand pump bubbler running off into the sandpit? Anyway, apart from that design quirk, the new amenity is sure to please all ages. So take your special child, children, grandkids or just yourself off into the new playground and act like a kid and enjoy the experience. If you do be sure to put your rubbish in the bin as the brilliant Park staff have better things to do maintaining the Park to its existing high standard without being rubbish collectors as well.

Good on you Hornsby Council and park staff.

contributed by Kerron May

More Fun for Fagan Park
After 2 years of intensive planning, which involved many organisations and interested parties a new playground in Lower Fagan Park, at Carrs Road Picnic Area has finally has come to fruition and everyone in the community is a winner!

Along with other community members, Kristie Chambers, mother of Avalon has been working closely with Hornsby Council to develop a playground which is inclusive of all children. Kristy says, “ I am thrilled that Avalon and other children with mobility issues can now have fun with their friends, it has taken a lot of planning but now we have a space which is a starting point all future playground designs in our community”. Hornsby Council should be recognised for their vigilant approach and commitment to understanding what a truly accessible and inclusive is and using this knowledge to create an all inclusive play space.

Surprise 90th
On Sunday the 9th September our neighbour, Mick Winch hosted a surprise 90th birthday celebration for his father, Peter Winch. My husband and I were thrilled to be included to witness the surprise and joy of Peter as he embraced his family members who had travelled from far a field to recognise this important milestone. Among the guests were Peter’s daughter who had travelled from Bali for the party and his cousin from the Gold Coast. I couldn’t help but shed a tear as I saw the genuine emotion of a family reunited. It was the perfect afternoon with the sun shining brightly so that everyone could enjoy the festivities.

From 1962 – 1964, when I was 6 – 8 years old, we had a kangaroo for a pet. She was a “Small Eastern Grey “ who had been hand – reared since her Mum was killed. She had 2 owners previous to us.

My older brother and I loved “Mickey. No one else we knew had a kangaroo so we felt especially blessed. Her yard, which had 6” high fences was over to one side of the back of our house. We fed her with long grass and bread. We’d go into her yard and our cats would follow us. I remember once she reared up at me and pushed me backwards with her strong legs. Maybe I had upset her. I don’t think I cried.

The other momentous time with Mickey was when I was nearer 8. It was a Sunday morning, early before church when we looked out one window and saw Mickey bounding up the driveway towards the road ( Old Northern Rd). We all went crazy Mum, Dad, Brother and I went chasing her up the road. I don’t recall she went further than the school but somehow we got her back. That determined it! We realised Mickey must move on from our home so we rang Mr Garth Mooreland in New Line Road. as he had a Kangaroo Park. We were sorry Mickey had to leave us but we were able to visit her. She lived many more years and I’m sure enjoyed the kangaroo company. It’s now illegal to have a pet kangaroo but it wasn’t then.

contributed by Christine Stockman

The Maasai Village
While on my recent stay in Kenya I took time out from my daughter’s family to experience a 4 day tour of the Maasai Mara, the knowledge of which had been imbedded within me from my primary school education. Maasai Mara National Reserve is an area of preserved savannah wilderness in southwestern Kenya, along the Tanzanian border. Its animals include lions, cheetahs, elephants, zebras and hippos. Wildebeest traverse its plains during their annual migration. The landscape has grassy plains and rolling hills the area nearby is dotted with villages of Maasai people.

Part of the tour was an optional visit to a Maasi village. From my group I was the only willing to experience the culture. After paying my tour fee I was escorted from my hostel by 6 young warriors who were dressed in traditional wraps and adornments. It was very intimidating when they performed their tribal dance for me and then expected me to mimic their moves. I love to dance but I found this was most confronting…..a little too tribal for my comfort. I was then taken to one of the mud dwellings and sat inside their confined space, which had only a small shaft for light and air, while they explained their living arrangements. They then tried to sell me trinkets and despite not having any real option other than to buy some things I still loved being immersed in this strange domestic environment. I was then taken to meet the ladies who had road stalls and was expected to buy more…and yet I enjoyed the smiling open faces of the women trying to earn a meagre existence. I was the taken to the neighbouring school which was a total fascination.

There were 90 children in the 4th grade class which I was introduced to, with four children and one book to each desk. The whole school housed 1200 students. I was expertly manoeuvred into the school office, door closed and spiel delivered that the school depends on donated funds, so I gave them all the money I had left which was only about $15….an underwhelming amount but the result of a series of monetary contributions along this tour path had emptied my wallet. I didn’t begrudge spending the money because I was fascinated by my experience, to feel the wonder of a simple life based on ancient traditions while finding a harmony with the modern world.

Alice and Charlie Herbert are happy to announce the birth of their new son, William Alan Herbert. Weighing in at a weight of 3775 gms and measuring 51 cms.

After a really long day, William arrived at 1.53 pm on the 30th July, 2018.

William has 3 brothers and a big sister. His brothers are Ben, Geoffrey and Thomas and his sister is Elizabeth.

He is the 12th grandchild of Helen and Graham Bell of Galston and the 13th grandchild of Caroline Herbert of Kings Creek formerly Annangrove.

The lucky little boy also has 2 Great Grandmothers. Granny White (Beryl) of Sydney, Granny Marshall from Lismore and Granny Bell of Guildford.

Alice and Charlie and the rest of the family are all enjoying the new arrival.