galston community news

Happy New Year – Year of the Snake

By Karlene Brummer

Welcome to our first edition for 2025! A lot has happened since our December issue went to press including the very sad loss of three of the shining lights within our community. We include some heartfelt tributes further in the magazine, and extend our sincere condolences to the Juckes, McKinley and Goldstien families and friends.

As the cleanup continues from the ferocious weather event in mid-January, I hope everyone can get back to ‘normal’. It is not until an event like this happens that we realise just how reliant we are on electricity in nearly every part of our daily routine. Apart from the inconvenience of fridges and freezers going off, not being able to use a computer/heating/cooling/cooking/phone charging etc, for some in the community who rely on pumps, it means that they are unable to even flush a toilet without power.

Those that have generators are at least able to keep some appliances going, however attaching an electric jug can often trip the power bank. A friend of mine recently encountered this problem but as she owns an EV; ended up using the car to power her kettle! She said it used ‘1Km’ worth of charge!

I hope that the coming year is a safe, happy and healthy one for all our readers, and I encourage you to continue to send in your stories, letters and PHOTOS over the next eleven months. Don’t forget that Nev the Newshound is also waiting patiently in the News Room Kennels for any future nominations for Pets @ Work interviewees.

The email for all of the above is: [email protected]

(ps for those that are interested, you were born in the Year of the Snake if any of the following are your DOB: 1929, 1941, 1953,1965,1977,1989,2001,2013) According to the Chinese Zodiac the snake symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, and charm. People born in the snake years are intelligent and cautious. They have a romantic appearance and a polished approach to life.

Pat Fedele