galston community news

GWSR Scouts 75th Annual Report Presentation.

By Dr Peter Gangemi - Mayor of The Hills Shire Council
Congratulations to the GWSR Scouts on holding their 75th Annual Report Presentation. The Greater Western Sydney Region Scouts continue to do tremendous work equipping young people with life skills and building resilience in a fun setting.

It was fantastic to see Brian Roberts awarded the Alan Overton AM award for a lifetime of service to the scouting movement. Attendees were also privileged to hear from NSW Chief Commissioner Neville Tompkins and inspirational Paralympian snowboarder Jonay Badenhorst.

Thank you to the GWSR team led by Region President Ross Grove for presenting me a supporter scarf. I look forward to see the Greater Western Sydney Region Scouts continue to grow in the year ahead.

GWSR Scouts

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