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Gregoriana Arcadia

Would you like to learn to sing this beautiful, ancient music? Chanting, particularly of the psalms, was already well established in Jewish observances before the start of Christianity, and music became part of the early Christian Church.

During the papacy of St. Gregory, the Great (590–604AD) chanting was promoted, especially in the European monasteries, and this music is now referred to as Gregorian Chant.

It was an aural tradition, with new monks learning from hearing the older monks. Chants were in Latin, which was by then the official language of the Christian Church. It was not until 12th Century that an early music notation was established, predating the current modern musical script.

In Gregoriana Arcadia, we sing a cappella from the old music, as it has been sung for well over 000 years. We practice on the second Saturday afternoon in the month, 2 to 4pm, in the beautiful chapel at the Benedictine Monastery, 121 Arcadia Road, Arcadia.

New members are very welcome. No previous music or Latin experience is required, and no fees apply.

For enquiries email Andrew at [email protected]

Gregoriana Arcadia