galston community news
Clare oliver

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade News

Glenorie Rural Fire Service assisted other local brigades with a Hazard Reduction burn at Maroota. (see images)

Crews attended a fire in Venetta Road, Glenorie that was impacting on property. Additional resources were bought in to assist from Rouse Hill and Hillside. The fire was contained and then successfully extinguished after several hours.

In light of Glenorie’s bushfire, it’s a strong reminder that conditions are extremely dry. We would strongly reccomend that you make sure your bushfire survival plan is up to date, and you have invested the time in preparing your property. We’d also reccomend that you reconsider any pile burning you are planning on your property.

Middle Dural Rural Fire Brigade News

Last month our Brigade participated in a hazard reduction (HR) in Glenhaven, off Glenhaven Road. Once again, quite a few Hills Fire teams joined together to burn the area behind properties and down through the gully up to Round Corner. Although this burn created some smoke, the resulting reduction of fuel will greatly reduce the likelihood of a destructive wild fire in the coming fire season. Expect to see more hazard reductions over the next couple of months, as the RFS takes advantage of this dry weather to reduce the threat of possible bushfire next summer.

This winter has been extraordinarily dry. Normally it’s too wet for us to carry out HRs in July, but with the Bureau of Meteorology not being able to predict when we might next get significant rain, it’s vital that we prepare for the coming summer as much as possible. Your opportunity to learn how safeguard your property will be given a boost on Saturday 14 September, when many Hills Brigades will be opening up their stations for Get Ready Day, an open day when we welcome a visit from all our residents and their children. Brigade members will be on hand to answer your questions, to provide useful pamphlets and show you around our station, and fire fighting vehicles. If you ever thought you would like to improve your understanding of the risk to your particular property, and how better to defend it, that will be the time to find out. Pencil the date in your diary!

On Sunday 11 July, Galston Uniting Church welcomed local brigades to the church for their annual Blessing of the Fleet. Unfortunately the Blessing generally conflicts with the City to Surf race, which cuts down on our numbers. However, this event is always enjoyed by all our participating members, who would like to thank the Church for their delicious morning tea. This year, one of our members was asked to read a lesson.

If you have any questions before Get Ready Day, contact our Captain, Len Best (0408 220 705) or Senior Deputy, Ken Middleton (0417 203 088

Early start to bush fire season in Hornsby Ku-ring-gai area

The Hornsby Ku-ring-gai area will start the Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) early this year due to ongoing warm and dry conditions.

While the bush fire season traditionally starts on 1 October each year, the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai area will begin the fire season on the 1st September 2019.

NSW RFS Superintendent Mark Sugden is urging residents to know the risks and take precautions now.

“We have experienced a long dry and warm spell, which is increasing the bush fire danger across the region,” Superintendent Mark Sugden said.

“There are simple things you can do now to get ready for bush fire season – such as talking with your family about your bush fire survival plan, preparing your home or property, knowing the bush fire alert levels and making sure you know where to get information during a fire.

“The things you do now can make a big difference to your safety during a fire, and whether your home survives.”

Landholders are also encouraged to use fire safely if conducting hazard reduction activities.

“Many people use fire to reduce the fire risk on their property – but if fire’s not used properly, you can end up being the fire risk to your community.

“Permits are required during the bush fire danger period. They’re free and easy to get by contacting your Fire Control Centre.

“Don’t be the fire risk to your community. Use fire safely and only light up if conditions are safe.”

“Never leave a fire unattended and if a fire does escape, it is essential to call Triple Zero (000) immediately so that emergency services can respond accordingly and minimise the damage,” Superintendent Mark Sugden said.

For information on planning and preparing for fire, visit

Information on permits and total fire bans can be found at www. or by contacting the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Fire Control Centre on 9883 2000.
