galston community news

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade News

Out of Area Deployment
During February Glenorie 1 was sent on part of a Strike Team to assist with fighting fires in Northern NSW. Deputy Captain Colvin took Glenorie 1 to the fires with 2 Hillside members on board. The crew worked very hard assisting to bring the fire under control in large areas of country for a number of days. They were very happy to a see a relief crew arrive so they could go home. The relief crew included two more Glenorie members (Deputy Captain Rod and Firefighter Mick) who stayed for a number of days working in very difficult conditions. A great job to all the crews that were sent. Now the Glenorie 1 is back at station and receiving some much needed TLC!

Brigade Training
Glenorie members have been busy training as usual. The members who recently finished the Bush Firefighting Course are now starting to train for the next course, Village Firefighting. Here is a photo of them practicing a “Five Man Fog Attack” which is commonly used in a Village Firefighting scenario. They have been working very hard and are very happy with all the new skills they have been gaining. It is great to have them on board to help protect our community. The next Bush Firefighting Course is coming up soon. If you’re interested in joining the brigade and gaining some great skills then feel free to contact us on the details at the end of this article or drop by the station on a Monday night from 8pm9pm or Saturday Afternoon from 2pm4pm.

Pile Burns
We are still in the Bush Fire Danger Period which means if you are planning to have a pile burn, you will need a permit. Fire Permits help ensure fire is used safely during the Bush Fire Danger Period. A permit imposes conditions on the way a fire is lit and maintained, and can only be issued by authorised Permit Issuing Officers.

The permit system ensures agencies like the NSW RFS know when and where landholders intend to burn, to ensure adequate and appropriate measures are in place, and so that fires remain under control.

If you would like us to come and issue you with a permit, please contact us on the details at the end of this article.

For further information go to or contact the Brigade: Station Phone: 9652 2017 (leave a message and someone will get back to you) or talk to a real person, James: 0422 168 914. Visit the brigade stand at the Glenorie Growers Market on the fourth Sunday of the month in the grounds of Glenorie RSL. Facebook: Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade Email: [email protected]