galston community news


Thanks for all your support in 2019. We attended 52 fire calls in 2019, not including the ongoing fire emergency.

We’ve had a pretty big year in 2019.

We’ve been lucky enough to welcome a number of new members who will be undergoing training in 2020. We took part in a number of hazard reductions around the district, as well as deployments out of area for fires and storm damage.

In terms of places we’ve fought fires, this is certainly one of the biggest years in terms of travel. We’ve been to Taree, Bobin, St Albans, Lower, Central and Upper MacDonald, Spencer, Gunderman, Lower Portland, Colo Heights, Lithgow, Hartley Vale, Bilpin, Clarence, Belambing, Bargo, Tahmoor, Buxton and the QLD sunshine coast.

We’ve trained hard, both as a brigade, and with our neighbouring brigades. It’s been a big year, ended with the biggest fire season we’ve ever had.

It’s been a year touched by tragedy, we have sadly had to attend fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents, and three a number of members of our extended RFS community have passed away.

As always, we need to thank our members who have put in so many hours in rain, hail or shine to attend calls, train and keep our equipment in good condition.

Thanks to the staff at the District Office who do so much work to keep us operational, generally no request of ours is too much trouble.

Our employers, who have been, and continue to be understanding and supportive of our members RFS activities.

Mostly, we have to pay tribute too, and thank our families. Our wives, husbands, kids, mums and dads, who are as much a part of the brigade as our members. We absolutely could not do what we do without their love, understanding and support.

To our wonderful community, thank you so much for all your amazing support, especially in the last couple of months as we’ve been continuously operational. You have kept us fed, watered and provided financial assistance to keep the brigade running. You’re awesome.

We’re excited about 2020. We are making big plans in terms of improvements to equipment, our station and training.

What we do know is this nightmare of a fire season will end eventually, it will rain, normality will slowly return. We as a community know this, we’ve been there ourselves in 2002. Please continue to support the fire ravaged communities around the state. Once the fires have passed, visit, buy a coffee, maybe stay a while. They will need us.

All the best for 2020. We’re looking forward to continuing to work closely with you in the coming year.

Maybe your new year’s resolution is to join the RFS. Come and drop by the station, we’d love to meet you.

Here are some images from our 2019.