galston community news

Glenorie Public School – What an AMAZING Day!!!

On behalf of the P & C I would like to THANK all the families within the school community and all other visitors to our school that came along in the beautiful sunshine to support our school at the 2018 Country Fair on Sunday 23rd September 2018. It was truly a wonderful community day.

The Country Fair consisted of two parts, Business Sponsorship Program and the Actual Country Fair Day. The business sponsorship program generated $14,200 and the Fair day generated $29,800. The overall success amounted to a profit of $44,000.

Here in the Glenorie Community we have al lot to me grateful for…

To the Parents and Students of Glenorie Public School we thank you for your help on the day. We are lucky at Glenorie Public School to have a dedicated School Principal and Teaching and Admin staff that were excited to be part of the day and come along and help on the day and also assist during term 3 with all of the Country Fair activity.

Thank you to our Business Sponsors, Diamond – Glenorie RSL Club Platinum DSA Contracting, Gold Camhaul, Adapt Lending Solutions, WFR Real Estate Agents and Wilkz Group Pty Ltd, Silver Tailor Made Kitchens, Camelot Amusements. Air Elec, Gosford Quarries, Glenorie Bakery and Phoenix Dance Studios and Bronze Café Sadanqua, 2157, Leaf It to Me Garden Care, UB Art Shack, Bunnings Wearhous, Hornsby Tailor, Sweet Pea Skin & Hair, Ruby Joy, Lauran Jane Hair, Blush Skin and Beauty, Dural Dental Practice, Glenorie Pharmacy and Artist Belinda Nadwie. We truly appreciate your commitment and financial support to our school.

Thank you to all the businesses that donated to our school, from the local Glenorie and surrounding areas, to the business further away, giving vouchers and other items to use on the Chocolate Wheel and Major Raffle.

A special thank you to David Camilleri for running the Chocolate Wheel Stall all day. A special mention of gratitude to all the generous families in our school community who made and donated all the food and fresh produce to our Lebanese Kebab & BBQ stall. A HUGE thank you to all the people who were by Madona’s side all day cooking and wrapping the delicious kebabs! We hope you all enjoyed them. A BIG thank you to the Kearn’s Family and the wonderful team at Camelot Amusements for providing a wonderful playground on the fair day.

Thank you to all the performance groups within the school and the external ones that came and providing wonderful entertainment through out the day also. We also thank Glenorie Fire Brigade for their participation on the day. A special thanks to Ulla and Sharon for judging our internal art competition.

If you had your photo snapped on the day by Bjorn from UB Art Shack – Art & Photograph Studio – you can view the gallery of photos at www. 80214

Using the password GPSF18 and download any photos you like

We trust everyone had a wonderful day and we look forward in doing it all again in 2020. Once Again Thank you -Dennise Williams P & C President Glenorie Public School

-Dennise Williams P & C President
Glenorie Public School