galston community news

Glenorie Public School News

Glenorie Public has already started on many exciting things for 2017. On Wednesday the 1st February we welcomed our 39 new kinder children for 2017. All of our Kindergartens arrived with smiling faces ready to start the year. Our year six buddies helped our kindies to make new friends, have fun and learn all about ‘Big School’. They did a great job making them feel at home. It’s an amazing thing, watching shy and nervous kindies step out of their shell and get started with daily school life. They have seen new things and learnt a lot already. Some of them (most of them, actually) have already gained their first awards for good work!

On Tuesday the 7th of February Glenorie Public School had their 2017 swimming carnival. It was a day filled with fun for all students. Congratulations to Chloe who broke two records. Twenty- five students will now go on to the zone carnival on Tuesday 10th March at Homebush. A special thank you to Mr Gornalle, teachers and parents for making this day successful.

Recently our 2017 house captains have been elected. They will have the chance to build their leadership skills throughout the year. We have two House Captains and two Vice-Captains per House. Congratulations to all House Captains.

On Wednesday the 8th February we had our Meet the Teacher disco. While all parents got to learn about their children’s teacher the students got to dance and sing at the disco. All students had a wonderful night and can’t wait for the next disco. What a great start to the term we have had.