galston community news

Glenorie Public School

We’re back for term four with many exciting events to share with you.

On Friday 13th our K-2 and Yr 5’s went on a factual visit to the Glenorie Fire Station. They had a wonderful time learning about fires and how to be prepared for a fire. They experienced what it’s like to be a firefighter and what you do in a real fire situation. One of the many exciting activities at the fire station involved getting to use a heavy a firefighter’s hose. Another great activity was being able ring 000 just like a real fire had occurred. Everyone had a great time! Thank you to the Glenorie Fire Station for showing us what to do in a real fire.

Week 2 is our Kindy orientations for 2018. All of the Yr 5’s were excited to meet and play with their buddies for next year. Some of the Kindies came on Monday and the others came on Thursday. The kindies got to practice being in ‘Big School’. They went into the Kindergarten classrooms, met their teachers and got to eat recess with their new friends and buddies. We are all looking forward to next year when these cute, little kindies start school.

TRY!!! The junior girls scored a try! Yay! We are all so eager to participate in NRL Gala Day on 24th October. We have four teams the Senior Boys, Senior Girls, Junior Boys and Junior Girls. Each team will play against many schools and try their very best with great sportsmanship. Good luck to all the teams. We can’t wait to see your final results.

Nearly all our students registered for our very first GPS Warrior Colour Fun Run. Everyone that registered received a colour run pack which includes a white T-Shirt, some fancy pink sunglasses and our very own keyring. We would like to thank all the business sponsors of our fun run: Glenorie RSL Club, Solomons Fire Doors, Leaf it to me Garden Care, FitKidz, Early Years Training and Consultancy, Anderson Boemi Lawyers, Dural Dental Practice and Café Sasanqua.

What a wonderful start of term we can’t wait for you to see all the exciting events to come.