galston community news


The recent fires have received much mention across many forums. I note Glenorie Public School community has already thanked Glenorie RFS with hampers and gifts. Without wanting to be repetitive, we must take this opportunity to thank our local heroes. We appreciate all volunteers across the community, in caring, community organisations, schools, churches and anyone who gives up time for the community. The recent fires remind us of the sacrifice of our Rural Fire Service Volunteers. These are the members of Glenorie and Hillside RFS as well as other brigades such as Maroota, South Maroota, Arcadia, Galston and surrounding areas. We thank you for your sacrifice and service.

The local brigades are crewed by a dedicated few when compared to the immense task. The members come from all walks and stages of life. I note that some members are self employed and are literally sacrificing their own incomes and business revenue to protect us. Others are taking leave without pay. All members sacrifice their personal time to protect their community and the members’ families sacrifice time that would otherwise be spent with their loved ones.

The effectiveness of the back-burn operation to meet the threatening “Gosper’s Mountain” fire was testimony to the professionalism, dedication, planning and investment of the volunteers and RFS organisation.

All brigades are seeking new members. It is a good juncture to consider joining and supporting your local brigade.

Thank you to the volunteers.

Glenorie Community Carols
Don’t forget to save the date for the local carols this year.

2019 Glenorie Community Carols is set to be a great evening with a bigger line up than ever before. When: 6pm Sunday 22nd December 2019

Where: Glenorie RSL lawn

The Line up: The Matt Moodie Jazz Band, Local Maronite Singers: Ann-Marie Boumerhe, Violet Boumerhe, George Kambel. Classical Singer Emelina Phillips. Local Singers: Alyssa Thomson, Gloria Giuffre, Jazmyn Gillies, Joanne Taylor

Reclaim – The Public Access Balancing Act

Susanna Mills, local resident, recently wrote to the GPA with a comprehensive summary of feedback promoting trail walking and riding as well as motivating the community to get outdoors and take advantage of our amazing local environment. We have published this excellent article on the GPA website. It states among other initiatives the importance of maintaining community access to our environmental assets: “there seems to be an alarming and selfish tendency by a handful of local landowners to claim servitudes, creeks, fire trails and even entire beaches and inlets for themselves. They put up nasty little signs and are rude and aggressive towards the outdoors community “trespassing” on “their” land.”

GPA has stated a commitment to advancing public green access for the community.

We were recently alerted to a proposed closure of public access in the famous Broadwater. This area is an environmental sanctuary with the picturesque Little Cattai Creek home to amazing wetland and bird life. It is currently accessed from Spur Place in Forest Glen, and Smallwood Road and Halcrows Road in Hillside. For decades the public have been able to complete a mountain bike ride or walk from Halcrows Road to Smallwood Road via the Fern Gully / Creek Fire Trail. It is a beautiful circuit, perfect for a mountain bike or trail cycling. This is despite some landholders on the trail placing gates and locks on the crown road which you can simply walk your bike around.

The landholder in this case is probably seeking privacy and does not want the general public traversing his land. Anyone can accept that having random people passing through your property would not be pleasant particularly if they are in close proximity to your dwelling. One can also entirely understand the annoyance if people are abusing the access with noisy vehicles or motorbikes. But what about a family who just want to complete the circuit that has been open for decades with a walk or a ride: should they be stopped?

The proposal to close the Broadwater Road is timely and brings into question the balance between access for community to an amazing natural resource versus the wishes and privacy of the landholder. The GPA has not discussed the matter as yet, nor come to a position. As access to natural space becomes more of a premium and trails that have been public access for decades are closed, we need to consider how to strike a fair balance.

You can have your input on these matters by becoming a member and attending the GPA meetings. Please head to our website to read the full feedback document by Susanna Mills.

Next meeting Thursday 12th December, 7pm at Glenorie RSL.
You can find out more or join or renew at