galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association News

Boral concrete Glenorie batching plant upgrade is continuing to be the hot topic and to date the DA has not yet been lodged with The Hills Shire Council. Residents are advised to make a submission to THSC as soon as the DA is lodged. (Keep an eye on our facebook page.) However, some residents have advised Council of breaches of the current consents of operating hours plus Boral concrete trucks over the weight limit using Post Office Road. The GPA is taking a stronger stand against this upgrade so as to prevent the batching plant being a thorn in the side of any future vision we may have for our semi-rural village. Letterbox drops are being carried out with a “Say NO to Boral” message outlining the contentious issues of dust emissions, increased truck traffic affecting not only our and our children’s health and lifestyle, but also our livelihood. Rural businesses near the Schwebel Lane plant are concerned at the devastating effect the upgrade could have on their plants, crops and resulting in their businesses being non-operational. The environmental effect could also be felt further away, with run off into our creeks and resulting in the Hawkesbury system being affected.

If YOU are able to help spread the message, please ring Di on 0418 432 587 or email us at [email protected]. If you join the association you will be sent the updates directly. We now have a very healthy membership of 65 members.

The Planning Sub-Committee has met with Hornsby Councillors Michael Hutchence and Warren Waddell in attendance with the SC members, and there was a healthy exchange of opinions. We agree that we need to come to a compromise, ranging from the overriding utopian vision of a model eco-village that could be regarded as a pipe dream, to the comparatively smaller issues like the Boral upgrade that we will face on a day to day basis. Whatever happy medium is reached, it needs the community on board with our “vision” to make it work, so spread the word so we can have as much input to make it all work, and soon!

Environment Centre – Pat Schwartz reported a highly successful Solar Info Day on 22 April at the Glenorie Hall. Koala calls are being listened for and a Koala Day to be held at Kurrajong in July.

Glenorie Bus bay – Promises have been made that the gardens and tarmac repairs will happen!

Woolworths’ Glenorie manager Greg has advised that he has sent our request for an Associations dedicated noticeboard to the Woolworths hierarchy. Keep watching this space and the space on the Woolies wall.

Join us at our next meeting at 7:45pm at the Glenorie RSL on Tuesday 12 June.