galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association (GPA) News

It’s been a busy month for the GPA this month with a number of projects underway. Here is a brief outline:

Residents Survey

The Galston, Glenorie & Hills Rural News has kindly offered to deliver a Survey Form to all residents in Glenorie. We would really appreciate you completing the survey and either returning the completed forms to our red Survey box at Glenorie RSL, scanning or taking a picture and emailing it to secretary@, or completing the survey online via our facebook page or website at

If you don’t receive a Survey in your mailbox, you can collect a copy at Glenorie RSL. We would like to thank Glenorie RSL for their support with this and also thanks to Woolworths who have allowed us to have a stall outside the store to hand out surveys too.

The survey form has a membership application on the reverse. Please consider joining us, we value your feedback and we will keep you up to date with whats happening.

Glenorie Environment Centre

A number of locations were considered for the new home of the Environment and Creative Arts Centre (ECAC) after Glenorie School asked them to vacate their current building. Hills Shire Council offered the small cabin next to the Les Shore Oval at a low annual rental charge, and Hornsby Council are reviewing the possible use of the Glenorie Memorial Hall.

The ECAC and GPA meetings both agreed the ideal home would be the Glenorie Memorial Hall, once we have overcome a few logistical hurdles. Presently all the items within the ECAC are being catalogued and boxed ready for the move.

Glenorie Memorial Hall

As residents may remember, the Hornsby Council had proposed the sale of the Hall in their August 2015 Community Strategic Plan. This decision was reviewed after a large number of objections from our community. The Glenorie Memorial Hall committee also challenged Council’s ability to sell the hall referring to the Agreement dated 17th August 1976 where the original Glenorie Hall Committee transferred the Hall to Council for management on the basis it would “maintain and retain the hall in perpetuity”.

The Hornsby Council requested the community put forward a business plan for the long term sustainable use of the hall. These discussions have been ongoing with members of the community, the Glenorie Memorial Hall Committee and the GPA. The Hall’s strategic plan is nearing its final draft and once presented to Council and other stakeholders it will be displayed for public view.

Demountable Building Wanted

The Glenorie Progress Association is looking for a demountable building which could be used for Streamwatch activities. If you have a moveable building which you are willing to donate to the community, please contact Chris on 0417 4970 090.

Grants Person

We are looking for a volunteer who loves to research and seek out grants. These could be from State/Federal Government, Environmental or Heritage Foundations and the like. If you are interested in helping us in this area, please call our Secretary Chris on 0417 4970 090.

Greater Sydney Commission

Readers may already be aware that submissions are due on 31st March for the Greater Sydney Commission Draft Plans. The GPA will be making a submission and this will be forwarded to all members for comment prior to it being submitted. The Glenorie Progress Association is not anti-development. We would like to develop plans for the future, in conjunction with the community, to increase our population in a way which improves our community. We see this plan as community driven, as opposed to developer driven. Please join us and get involved.

If you want to keep up to date and receive copies of minutes, plans and things that are happening, why not join our newsletter. You can do this via our website at, or like our facebook page