galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association

Major concerns are emerging as we are going to print:
The news we have been given in mid-July is that New Line Road widening is off the agenda, despite both Hornsby and The Hills Shire Councils appealing to the new government to continue the project as the groundwork has been laid and plans well underway for easing the traffic snarls we all experience in the district.

Apparently, the current NSW State Government has undertaken a Strategic Infrastructure Review which was presented to the Premier last month. The News channels have indicated that there are a number of projects which may not proceed as had previously been announced by the former LNP Government. One of these projects may be the $70 million upgrade to New Line Road.

New Line Road is already a major bottleneck and only likely to get worse in coming years with the huge amount of development throughout the Northwest Release area. The communities of Glenorie, Galston, Dural, Glenhaven, Cherrybrook and Kenthurst should be aware that the current government is considering reducing the States infrastructure spending in the area to prioritise monies spent in other electorates.

Hopefully by the time you read this the State Government will have retracted their Secret Hit List and it is all steam ahead for New Line Road.

At the GPA meetings we are always happy to welcome Warren Waddell, Deputy Mayor of Hornsby Shire Council, Mayor Peter Gangemi and Deputy Mayor Mitchell Blue of The Hills SC. Plus Nathan Tilbury and Tania Salitra of Hornsby have great input too.

We work closely with the two Councils and are appreciative of their sage advice and support. If you have something to talk about with Councils, or any other issues, please come and join us on the second Thursday of each month at the fabulous Glenorie RSL. 7:15pm after the ODE.

We would love to see you and add your voice to our community voice.

The Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence will be here for 100 years or more to tell the story of our history and we hope you can be part of that history by adding to the picture.

A great big thank you to all those who have contributed to date, but we need MORE FUNDS.

The first three methods of donating are our preferred options as we don’t pay any fees!

Fundraising days at Glenorie Woolworths on Saturday 26th August and 2nd September. Come along and see the plans and the piers Aussie Stonemasons have carved so far. We will accept donations in cash, cheque or even EFTPOS on the day.

Direct credit donation to Community Bank Galston & District “The Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence Fund”: BSB 633 000 Account 172 608 085

Drop into Tahlia’s Takeaway for all things food and pop your change into the Donations Jar there. Every little bit helps!

Download the app so when you recycle your bottles at Glenorie Woolworths you help the planet while supporting the fence. Select the Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence as your active payout to donate your Return and Earn refund.

Scan the QR below code to make an instant donation to our GoFundMe page.

You don’t need to attend meetings but can get all the info if you join our wonderful volunteer community association at