galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association


Due to the significant rainfall, we have experienced in the past months, many parts of our local roads have deteriorated. Potholes might not be the only problem you observe. Progress Association

I have seen build-up of gravel on the sides of Cattai Ridge Rd leading to the inability for stormwater to escape, compounding the erosion of the road. The councils and state governments cannot keep up with the monitoring of every part of the road, in order to know where a fix is required.

You can help. If you have not already, download the Snap Send Solve App and start reporting the issues when you see them. It can take 3 to 5 minutes out of your busy day. Sometimes it means pulling over your car, pulling out the phone and taking a photo of the issue. The benefit is that your council will know about the issue, rather than continue driving your car over the same potholes for months to come.

As Snap Send Solve say: “Being a community legend has never been easier”


$2M of Blackspot Funding is committed to upgrading Cattai Ridge Road from St Johns Rd to Old Northern Road including shoulder widening and flexible signage indicated to slow down if above speed limit in nominated sections. Council has developed two alternate designs for Halcrow’s Rd and Cattai Ridge Rd intersection including corner realignment or a roundabout, both are now being considered.

Rita Camilleri from Box Hill/Nelson Progress Association contacted the GPA on the following matter: “The NSW Government is trying to impose this Land Value Contribution Tax on landowners when their properties are rezoned and sold to developers.

The Bill has been introduced in Parliament but approved by the Lower House. The land value contribution can be up to 20% of the value of your property. For example, for every $1 million, the landowner pays $200,000 in Land Value Contribution Tax. It does not impact on property currently rezoned by the NSW Government but in the future, for example, Nelson.”

Mayor of The Hills Shire, Dr Peter Gangemi, said it is important that people understand the changes as part of any future decision making.

“The reforms could mean that people who develop their land in existing established or rural areas (such as knocking down an existing property and rebuilding, extending their dwelling or subdividing their land), may be subject to higher contributions charges,” he said.

The proposed reforms also introduce a new kind of contribution that could be levied on owners of future rezoned land whereby Councils may be able to recover contributions via the acquisition of a portion of the land for public purposes or by landowners paying a proportion of the overall value of the land.

“It’s important that landowners of sites that may one day be the subject of rezoning understand that this change means people who receive a significant financial gain may be required to contribute some of their windfalls to pay for infrastructure associated with that rezoning,” Mayor Gangemi said.

“While the time for public submissions has formally closed, I urge residents to read the information available at www.planning.nsw. Infrastructure/Infrastructure- Funding/Improving-the-infrastructure contributions- system and contact the State Government at infrastructure. au should you have any enquiries or concerns?”

The Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence is still taking contributions at.
Bank: Bendigo Galston
BSB: 633 000
Account: 172 608 085
Account Name: Ray Whiteman Heritage