galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association

Glenorie Community Carols on again in 2021.
Save the date: Sunday 6PM 19th
December 2021, Les Shore Reserve.
Fantastic to hear that the Glenorie Community Carol tradition will continue in 2021. Save the date. The line-up of local artists looks fantastic. Being at the Les Shore Reserve (Glenorie Oval) means you can bring a picnic blanket or outdoor chairs and relax and enjoy the music and singing.

Hills Hawks Soccer Club will be running a BBQ fundraiser and Glenorie RFS will be providing Santa. If you have children coming, please register to ensure there are enough Santa bags for all children (the organisers need to know the numbers). You can register here: https://events.humanitix. com/glenoriecarols

Possible internet solution
We have ventilated the internet coverage across the district for many years, and just as the NBN appears to have completed in Glenorie, Elon Musk’s Star Link is also available as a viable alternative, especially for those who cannot connect to the cable or who have poor 3/4/5G coverage.

Starlink is faster than the NBN satellite because its satellites are about 65 times closer to the Earth’s surface. In practical terms, NBN satellite plans can achieve NBN 25 speeds at least once per day—25Mbps download and 5Mbps upload—with a chance these speeds may burst higher.

Starlink, on the other hand, currently has a speed range of between 50 and 150Mbps during its beta phase, which means it range from NBN 50 to above NBN 100 download speeds. Upload speeds are reported to be around 20Mbps.

We are only providing this information here because so many in our community have had internet access issues, and Starlink appears to address those challenges. Please do your own research.

Patricia and Lilly Schwartz continue to work tirelessly for our local Environment, thank you to you both.

The Hills Hornsby Rural Koala Project is part of that work. The Department of Primary Industries has loaned 5 audiomoths to the project and they will be used to monitor for koalas in our local area. Three bushwalkers saw a koala in Lane Cove National Park which is encouraging.

A timely reminder to be aware when out and about over the summer. A wombat was run over and killed on the fire trail that goes through Maroota Forest. Although this fire trail has a lockable gate it is continually damaged by people who wish to use the trail for bikes and four-wheel drives.

Whilst it is understandable that people wish to enjoy these activities it is important that they are mindful that there can be animals and bushwalkers on the track. It is a great shame to kill or injure our wildlife and hitting a large animal could also be very dangerous for a bike rider. Fast driving and riding on trails can put bushwalkers and other users of the trails in danger.

Faithful councillors running for re-election.
The GPA is not political and does not support any political party. However, we acknowledge the effort councillors Dr Peter Gangemi (The Hills Shire) and Warren Waddell (Hornsby Shire) put into supporting and attending the GPA.

Both have been instrumental in securing further funding for the Ray Whiteman Memorial Fence, Peter secured funding for the Post Office Road footpath (to be built) as well as improvements to Cattai Ridge Rd and both councillors attend almost every GPA meeting as representatives of their respective councils. We just want to publicly say thank you to both Peter and Warren (as well as Brooke Collins who will not be re-contending this year) and best of luck with your bids for reelection. We also wish all other candidates the best of luck.

Switch to Community Banking today.
At GPA we are all about community. A great way of contributing to your own community is to switch your banking to Galston & District Community Branch of Bendigo Bank. Instead of the profits disappearing to far-flung institutions, you will be “sowing” back into our community.

In our community, the bank has funded Mens’ Sheds, Mental Health education, local schools and local sports clubs as well as many other initiatives. Help us keep this virtuous circle of good alive and switch your banking today. It will take you only minutes. You can call Lisa Wakeford at the branch on 02 9653 2227 or email: [email protected] or sign up online. If you sign up online, please ensure you nominate Galston as your local branch. Don’t postpone, do your good deed, today.

The Glenorie Progress Association Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 9 December 2021 at the Glenorie RSL and via ZOOM if you can’t attend in person. You can join the GPA at any time online at and membership fees are very affordable. Have your say and contribute to your community through the GPA.

Pat Fedele