The June meeting of the Glenorie Progress Association focused mainly on the state of our roads and road safety.
With the recent rains, potholes abound everywhere. Some can be quite dangerous. Our local councillors reminded us that if the potholes are reported, Council can then address them. The best and most efficient way to report potholes is to use the app “Snap Send Solve” from your mobile.
We experimented, testing just how effective using the Snap Send Solve app would be with Council. As many of you would have noted, Cattai Ridge Road had some significant potholes recently. We used the app to report the holes. Glenorie Progress Association
The next day we noticed a Council staff member inspecting the site. The following day, the potholes were fixed. Within 500m of the reported pothole, the intersection of Post Office Road and Cattai Ridge Rd, there is another significant pothole. Glenorie Progress Association
We did not report that pothole. It is still there. This is no indictment on Council. Unless you drive the route, you would not know it was there. And The Hills Council are to be commended in their rapid response to the reported pothole.
What the experience does tell us is that as a community, we can all do our bit by reporting the potholes and making Council aware of them. If we as community members use the Snap Send Solve app to report these issues, Council will have the data on hand to action. It took less than 30 seconds to download the app. It took about 2 minutes to park the car, safely, take a photo of the pothole, and complete the form on the app.
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