galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association

This big news for June is, of course, the decision of the NSW Land and Environment Court to override The Hills Shire Council (THSC) and approve the Shop Top Housing in Glenorie. The decision details have been circulated to all members, along with Annexure A which is a document outlining the conditions with which Tazcol must comply when demolishing and constructing buildings. Community pressure and THSC managed to reduce the height to 9m and the number of apartments from 24 to 20. The GPA continues to address the concerns of residents for development in Glenorie and surrounds. The Committee cannot do this alone and continues to invite your input into changes in your local area.

GPA holds a general meeting every month at the Glenorie RSL downstairs Function Room at which all members are welcome. Every three months the GPA will hold a Community Information meeting with discussion papers circulated to members prior to the meeting. The next Community Info meeting is planned for 12 September 2017.

All members are invited to attend the 2017 AGM to be held on the second Tuesday of July (11 July), again at the Glenorie RSL downstairs function room at 7:45pm. At that meeting we will elect a new Committee and it has been suggested that Ordinary members of the Committee take on a portfolio – Membership/ Information Officer/ Authorities or Council Liaison Officer – the scope of responsibilities to be determined.

An extended membership has been decided upon where members who joined in this calendar year (2017) will be asked to pay $0 for the 2017/18 year.

Chris Compton has collated the results of the Glenorie Community Survey and will report on this at the September Information Community meeting. If you wish to have input into this survey or any other issues, go to www.glenorieprogress. and have your say or contact us at [email protected] or ring the Secretary on 0417 497 090.