Staples premier pumpouts


Planning is underway to upgrade the Wal Buckingham Memorial Park to include a Hostile Vehicle Barrier Fence. The fence will allow the ANZAC Dawn memorial services to continue at the Cenotaph without the need for traffic diversions on Old Northern Road. This year the ANZAC Dawn Memorial Service will proceed as the Glenorie RSL Subbranch has submitted traffic management plans to divert traffic on Old Northern Rd via Tecoma Drive. If this were to continue every year it would be cumulatively expensive with traffic management costing in the order of $1500. If anyone has a traffic management capability and is willing to help out, please let Graham Bruce of the Glenorie RSL Subbranch know. While the title “Hostile Vehicle Barrier Fence” conjures up an eyesore, the planners are working hard to ensure that the fence will be complimentary and fitting for the park. The fence will also include a memorial to Ray Whiteman. It was Ray Whiteman who among countless other good deeds, kept the spirit of ANZAC by running the dawn services year after year. We think it would be most fitting therefore that the fence that allows the services to continue is dedicated to Ray. The Hornsby Shire Council, Glenorie RSL Subbranch, Glenorie Memorial Hall Committee and the Glenorie Progress Association are all working on the project together. Please reach out to any of these organisations to give your input. We will be keeping you updated on the design via this publication as we progress.

I recently floated the idea of a Co-Working space for Glenorie on Facebook. The response was enormous. It is apparent that many residents of Glenorie would value and utilise a coworking space where they could rent a desk for a few hours or a day, and/or use a meeting room from time to time. Key themes emerged from the feedback. There are many people working from home in the area. Some are professionals, others are doing the books and admin for their partner’s business. Some people find working from home full of distraction i.e. they have the urge to clean up, put the washing on or mow lawns when they need to focus on their job. Others mentioned that it can be lonely working from home. Others struggle with slow internet speeds. The Glenorie Memorial Hall has significant amount of unused land behind the hall which could accommodate a co-working space. We have already had offers of assistance in planning from community members who are experts the area. We would love your feedback. Would you utilise a co-working space in Glenorie? Let us know at: secretary@glenorieprogress.

Recent storms have brought down many trees on private and public land in the area. We are grateful that there have not been any reported injuries or deaths from falling trees. One particular tree has been noticed by the community (pictured right). It hangs precariously over Old Northern Rd. While the tree may stand for another 100 years, if it were to fall the consequences could be disastrous, particularly given the near blind summit south of the tree and the fact that cars are travelling at 80km/hr in that area. We have been informed by the public that there are many cases of potentially dangerous trees along Old Northern Rd. Hornsby councillor Warren Waddell has undertaken to organise a risk assessment of trees on major roads on the Hornsby side of Old Northern Rd. Thank you Warren. How the assessment translates into action remains to be seen, as there are multiple parties involved.

The Middle Dural Public School P&C have been campaigning pedestrian safety islands on Old Northern Road between bus shelters and Middle Dural Road. The pedestrian safety islands are absolutely warranted. Traffic has increased and the intersection contributes to the danger. The GPA supports the P&C. Robyn Preston member for Hawkesbury and Hills Shire Councilor was recently alerted to the issue and immediately raised it in the Hills Shire Council meeting where it was agreed to inspect the site with the view to making a recommendation to the RMS

Traffic Unit. Thank you for your action Robyn. If you would like to add your voice to this campaign to keep kids safe please contact Matt Kean member for Hornsby, Hornsby Council and Robyn Preston member for Hawkesbury or sign the petition at: dural-public-school

The HILLS AND HORNSBY RURAL KOALA PROJECT held its first meeting at the Geranium Cottage in January. The object is to establish a plan to encourage the health, protection and population increase of Koalas in the Glenorie/Maroota/ Arcadia area. Threats such as fire, habitat loss, road accidents, disease and dogs were discussed with positive actions arising. Great news, a recording of a female koala was made by Kate Keary at the end of Schwebel Lane Glenorie (identified by an ecologist at the Koala Foundation). A map was also produced showing where koalas have been sighted in the Hills/ Hornsby area since 2018. Great news. IF you would like to get involved please contact Pat Schwartz via [email protected].

New members continue to sign up to the GPA. We are growing. You can have your input on these matters by becoming a member and attending the GPA meetings. Next meeting Thursday 12th March, 7pm at Glenorie RSL. You can find out more or join or renew at