galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association

Last year we reported that the famous Nicolson Fruits orchard in Forest Glen closed its doors. If you drive past the orchard now you will notice that all the fruit trees have been removed. This was one of the most significant stone fruit orchards in the area. We have now been made aware that Ray Christie’s orchard in Canoelands has also ceased operations and all the stone fruit trees have also been cleared. This leaves very few productive stone fruit orchards (maybe less than 3) in the district. We would encourage everyone to get behind Canoelands Orchard and any other primary producers in the area. It appears that due to strict regulation on sprays, market control by large supermarkets and with the challenges of water and weather it is simply too tough for these well-established once profitable businesses to stay viable.

At the Glenorie Progress Association (GPA) we are all about progress, not regression. For Glenorie to progress it needs viable businesses that provide local employment and local services and goods which in turn benefit the community. It is with great concern that we note another valued small business at risk and under threat. The famous Conn’s Glenorie Butchery is finding it hard to make ends meet. We talked with Felicity Conn, the owner / manager and she reported that there have been several recent impacts that have led to this once viable butcher that the community loves, to be in a tough financial situation:

1. The drought has caused base price for some meats to double, raising prices and reducing profits.

2. Since construction started around the butcher, parking space has decreased as has foot traffic and dwell time. While this impact should exist only for the construction period it is significantly affecting the business.

3. Trevor cannot work at full capacity due to health circumstances.

For those who love the convenience and speciality meats of their local butcher, please make a special effort to purchase your meat “across the road”. We love the convenience of Woolies but we also value our local retailers and need to do what we can to keep them viable as well.

Things that are progressing:
We note the commencement of the build of “The Village” by Tazcol with rapid progress of the civil works. In line with the GPA objectives we look forward to new, affordable opportunities for retailers and services in Glenorie when the development is complete. You can find out more at

Look out, Koalas about.
You may have noticed “koalas” in the trees around Woolworths. The toy koalas are part of an awareness campaign as there have been increased “sightings” and “hearings” of koalas in the district. We are all very excited about their return but drivers in particular need to be aware that koalas may be trying to cross local roads and therefore need to keep an eye out. If you are able to make your property available for monitoring of koalas please contact Dr Michelle Ryan on [email protected].

The Glenorie Environment Centre is also active in Streamwatch which monitors the quality of local creeks. Streamwatch are keen for new members, if you are interested please message or call Pat on 0419321276.

Free native plants for residents
By the time this edition goes to print, The Hills Shire Council will have distributed free trees for residents at the Glenorie Growers Markets. If you still would like to plant trees and you reside on the Hornsby side, you can obtain au/request/. Please also support the Glenorie Growers Market’s held once a month at Les Shore Oval

The Glenorie Development Plan.
At the GPA we are not pushing for development, but rather being pre-emptive about where and how development is undertaken in Glenorie if it is to occur. To that end we have a planning committee which is engaging with The Hills and Hornsby Shire Councils to draft plans for the Glenorie Village that are sustainable and feasible. These plans may influence zoning and may affect you. By the time this article is printed, a community meeting will have been held with The Hills Forward Planning Team at Glenorie RSL. If you missed the meeting (promoted on facebook and the community notice board) you still have the chance to put your view forward to the team at https:// Publications/Have-your-say-on-thefuture- of-The-Hills or you can attend the GPA to make your views known as we continue to provide feedback to the planners of both councils.

The Hills Shire Council’s Draft 2036 Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) is on exhibition till 9th August. It provides a vision and strategy about the future of The Hills Shire that will guide growth and development through to 2036. The GPA would like to thank The Hills Shire Forward Planning Team and Hills Shire Councillor Dr Peter Gangemi for being so accommodating and organising the meetings.

What initiatives would you like to see actioned in Glenorie. Have your say.
You can make a meaningful contribution to the progress of Glenorie. What do you think of: Netball Courts at Les Shore Reserve, or maybe a skate park? Do we need a path from the village to the oval? Does Ted Schwebel Park need toilets and shade? Whatever the idea or need, Hornsby and Hills Councils as well as State and Federal Governments appreciate the input of Glenorie Progress Association to assist in their planning and expenditure.

GPA Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 8 August at 7pm at Glenorie RSL, you need to be an approved member to vote, so join or renew now.
You can find out more or join or renew at

Sterling Pest