galston community news

Glenorie Pony Club achieves Highest Point Score at Zone 26 Jamboree 2017

2017 was a wonderful year for the Glenorie Pony Club achieving outstanding results at the most recent Zone 26 end of year Jamboree. We want to thank all our amazing parents which support the talented riders, without them the Jamboree competition could not of taken place.

We were very proud particularly of our beginner’s ring lead by two great Glenoire Mums Jill Hutchings and Cate Heming. The Beginners ring was ran with passion and diligence and every child that participated at a beginners level across the Zone walked away with ribbons and huge smile on their faces.

The best part of Jamboree is not just the calibre of riding across many disciplines, but the comradery between all the Pony Clubs within Zone 26 to make it a great fun weekend for riders and parents.

In reflection, the Glenorie Pony Club has had a terrific 2017, winning the NSW 2017 Pony Club of the year reaching record rider membership and parent participation. We also hosted a very successful fund-raising cocktail Gatsby party at Glenorie RSL in late October raising funds to complete the BBQ area of the new club house, which was kindly donated by the Mayor Dr Michelle Brynes from Hills Council.

The support for the community and local businesses for fund raising, working bees and general rally day support has been sensational. Again, we are very thankful to the local business support and the local families for their much-valued contributions.

The year ended with a very relaxed end of year presentation at Sunset on the veranda of the Club house where our top riders were presented with our annual trophies based on performance and the wonderful committee where thanked for their tireless efforts. We also farewelled one over very loved Associated riders Tiffiany Bignold, who has been with the Pony Club for over a decade and has achieved the highest level of PCA National Championships level. We know the strength of the club and great riding expirence we deliver to our members as when they leave they still come back to help, we are very pleased that Tiffiany will be assisting our Chief Instructor in 2018.

We look forward to a huge year ahead and the competition starts very early in the year with NSW State Show Riding and State Dressage in late January, followed by Canberra Royal and Sydney Royal where many our riders are competing for the club/zone.

We wish all our riders a wonderful and safe summer break with lots of special riding time.

See you at the next Rally day on 4th February Sunday 8.30am.

By Beth O’Brien
President Glenorie Pony Club