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Galston Equestrian Club – Looking forward to a fabulous year!

The Funkhana on 26th November was a lovely sunny day so was enjoyed by the members who attended. Judge Jessica Beckingham did a sterling job of judging the hacking classes.

Scot Mitchell, a research scientist at Sydney University, gave a very interesting talk at the Galston Club on 30th November on “Healthy Hindgut Healthy Horse”. You may have heard about the human gut micro-biome and how it affects your health. Research has now started into the horse’s micro-biome but researchers need the help of horse owners. Scot is researching horse micro-biome. But they need data first which is how we horse owners can help by collecting poo samples and paying to get them analysed. To learn more about this exciting new frontier in equine research, contact [email protected].

The AGM held at the Galston Club on the evening of 4th December was very well attended, and it was good to see many new faces. Liz Jones (president) reflected on the successful past year of events, thanked the outgoing committee and sponsors, before a new committee were voted in. While many of the 2017 committee members remain, we are delighted to welcome new members and look forward to their ideas for the club. After a Christmas break, we will be ready to plan a year of events to try to please as many members as possible to enjoy their equines. In spite of 6 events being cancelled due to wet weather early in the year, we still ran 29 horse events, 8 evening information sessions, 1 rider fall clinic (without horses!) and even a social afternoon of painting for something different, all of which were very well attended.

Our Christmas party and awards presentation on 10th December was a resounding success! A spectacular spread was organised by Jill Baker and her band of helpers, and there was a very happy atmosphere and lots of Christmas cheer! Many prizes were given out and congratulations to all the winners.

Dressage Highest Point Scores
Lisa Ciappara and Bamborough Razz for Preparatory Tests
Lesley Saxton and Galileo for Preliminary Tests
Linda Elkins and Don Delano Novice Tests
Jan Tribe and Ego Conquistador for Elementary Tests
Showjumping Greatest Progress
Alison Cairns
Showjumping Participant
Celin Buonerba
Dressage Participant Award
Jamie Erol

Upcoming events :

25 February – Restricted Members Only dressage competition More as soon as they are confirmed!

As usual, please check our Facebook page and our website for up to date information on all our events.

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