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Glenorie Mission Church

(a continuation of the messages by Rev.Ed Long)

5.The fruit of the Spirit’s work in developing the character of Christ in lives is to produce fruit which actually are the characteristics of Christ Himself. Paul calls these the ’fruit of the Spirit’. They are not natural for us. Only the Spirit of God can produce them in our lives.

In nature some fruits take a long time to form and ripen. Others may grow quickly. That may be true spiritually also, depending on our allowing the Spirit to do His work.

Each of the nine characteristics listed in Galations 5 deserves our careful study. The first three refer to our inner life. The second three are linked to our outward conduct. The final three refer to our continuing attitude.

These characteristics of Christ will grow in our lives as we allow the Holy Spirit to produce them. It may take time, but growth is an essential part of Christian experience.

The clear command of God: Be filled with the Spirit.

Every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13). Every believer is sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). But what is most needed is that every believer should be filled by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).

This is not only the personal need of our heart (if we are honest),but is the command of God. Ephesians 5:18 contains two commands: ‘Do not get drunk on wine, …Instead be filled with Spirit’. We are horrified by the possibility of the first part- that we should ever become drunk. Are we as horrified by the possibility of our not fulfilling the second part?

The fullness of the Holy Spirit is full control by the Spirit. It is allowing the Spirit to exercise His authority and power in every part of our lives. It will mean Christ being glorified in every area and in every act of service. It is the answer to our need and the fulfilment of God’s purpose in us.                                                                            (to be continued)

Come and find out more at Bible study on Tuesdays 7.30 p.m. Sunday Service, 10:00 a.m. all at 1409 Old Northern Rd Glenorie